Thinking Hat

A platform to pen down my personal opinions and random thoughts. If you have to leave a comment, then get to the seed of what i am trying to say. Please dont give superflous comments or take out personal grudge in my blog.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


"Its your responsibility to ...... "he he he ... "Who gave you this responsibility ???"
This the first reaction that i get many times when i try to evoke our social and moral responsibilities . Responsibilities are something that cannot be just thrust upon you. It shall bear no result. Responsibilities will have to be taken up. When there is some team work or some other type of work going on, you should be able to identify your potential and come forward and accept responsibility to complete that portion of the job. The more responsible a person is, the more respect he earns. Leave aside those "jobs" which are taken up just to earn soemthing.. like money, respect, favour etc. ; there is a big resposibility to contribute towards making this society more enriched, more skillful, more understanding and a better place to live in. If you can't contribute to this society then you have no right to complain against it. Try to give back at least what you have learnt. Knowledge is something that can easily be distributed. The more the knowledge spreads, the more benefitted you are from it, directly and indirectly. So its your responsibility to spread this knowledge. Its not that you are boasting your skills, its that you seriously want other people to attain that same standard that you have acheived and reap the benefits of the same. Make people understand this. Don't force it upon others. In this free and democratic world, we have to take up additional responsibilities beacause we are our own GUIDES. We have to lead ourselves to a better tomorrow.


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