Thinking Hat

A platform to pen down my personal opinions and random thoughts. If you have to leave a comment, then get to the seed of what i am trying to say. Please dont give superflous comments or take out personal grudge in my blog.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Placement Season

Common Terms used :

BPL : Biodata pe Lath ...
this happens when the Company you are applying to , doesn't even care to look at your CV. It just brushes you aside on account of your Department and carries on its recuiting process....

BBKL : Bina bath ke lath...
this happens when the company, which you are applying for a job, first shortlists you, then kicks you out, without questioning your skills

GPL : G pe lath
You can get ir either ways. First - If the company shortlists you, then calls you for an interview, and then kicks you out, you get it (theoretically) from the company's executives
Secondly, if you do land a job, your batchmates and near and dear ones at your college lifts you up and gives you a heavy dose of bump.
It depends on you, which one you will take first !! The bigger the better !!


  • At Friday, December 30, 2005 5:15:00 AM, Blogger Nimesh said…

    chachi u forgot one Laat,
    KKBKL: Kare Koi Bhare Koi Laat
    It is when u go to some frnd to congratulate on his feat (of being in the list in T&P) and u get into thew trap of GPL because some unknown shriek told the Junta that Chachi too got a job!!!
    so beware of such pitfalls and happy blogging!!!


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