Thinking Hat

A platform to pen down my personal opinions and random thoughts. If you have to leave a comment, then get to the seed of what i am trying to say. Please dont give superflous comments or take out personal grudge in my blog.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Blogger's Aniversary

I just realised that i have been on Blogger for the last one year. One major factor contributing to the blogs, is my confidence. Its the confidence ,that, you will be able to express your thought.
I started active blogging only toward the end of last year, after i returned from training. Its some sort of a solace.
When you don't have anything to do and many thoughts come to your mind, this is the best place to crucify your thoughts once and for all. Comments are also one of the many motivating factors.
Sometimes i do think .... what have i contributed to this society? I have enjoyed all these facilities without inventing anything new ! That self satisfaction is not there. Self satisfaction on inventing something new should be a big motivating factor.... after all, you are not only serving yourself but also bringing smiles to many people who are dependent upon you for it.
Neway... i have loved this journey....commented on many blogs, commented on myself, and ridiculed many blogs. I think this whole idea of blogging is so wonderful. Once i had thought that after the coming of the computers, the skill of writing will die down.
But here we are, in this blogger's world, where thousands and thousands of pages of literature is being churned out everyday.
I suggest that even at school level, one period can be devoted to blogging and shall be commented upon by the teachers and other students. It will help children express their thoughts and come of of that shell, into which they retreat due to fear of writing.
Text blogging is just the beginning. We have audio blogs also these days. And video blogs are also evolving .May blogging evolve in a larger and bigger form and touch each and every life on this planet.


  • At Monday, March 06, 2006 5:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "May u celebrate" many such anniversaries and write a lot more of this crap

  • At Tuesday, March 07, 2006 1:12:00 PM, Blogger Arvind Iyer said…

    Homer Simpson : "See Lisa, instead of one big shot controlling all of the media, now there are a thousand freaks Xeroxing their worthless opinions."
    Lisa : "I couldn't be prouder"

  • At Tuesday, March 07, 2006 1:15:00 PM, Blogger Arvind Iyer said…

    That just about sums up the blogging phenomenon.
    Sure, there is good stuff out there in the thousand pages of 'literature' generated every day. But face it, most of it IS crap.
    Blogging is a revolution, not because of the volume, but because it obviates any mammoth structure for broadcasting info/opinion.
    I hope it changes the way media functions. Though I very much doubt it.
    Happy Blogging !


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