Thinking Hat

A platform to pen down my personal opinions and random thoughts. If you have to leave a comment, then get to the seed of what i am trying to say. Please dont give superflous comments or take out personal grudge in my blog.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Smiling Devil

Here goes another. This has been one of my most loved caricature. In all my copies, throughout my school-life i have been doing this caricature. A person with two Horns... making him a super devil, and then add a pair of bells to each horn to give a comic touch. Today i felt .... Why not check it out on myself !!!! Perhaps this has been the influence of old serials like the "Ramayana" and "Alif Laila" on DD1, where there used to be lots and lots of these devils !!! After all , how can one forget their in-human laughter --- " He he ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...... He He .. Ha ha ha ha ha haha...."

Friday, February 17, 2006

Non-Alcoholic By Choice

I am a non-alcoholic by choice. I do get uncomfortable at places where there is boozing going on and other options are very meagre !
Just to give you an analogy - How will a vegetarian feel if i put a chunk of mutton or beef on his plate and give him no other choice ? He will have to either have it or not eat anything ! Though he has to pay for whatever is there on his plate ! Is it not unfair ?
Its the same feeling that i have toward booze ! And these booze treats are really getting on my nerves! But I am somehow trying to bear these minor events which have no value for me ! Maybe the people having booze think just the reverse. They might think that an evening spent chatting and having good food is useless, if you dont have booze. I am still trying hard to gauge... why i have fallen into the minority... Has the world changed that much that i am having difficulty in breathing ?
I think choice should be given to the person who attends a treat. And yes... choice of "Equal amount".. I say this because, to enjoy to the same level, u need to have delicacies whose cost will come upto approximately what the booze costs which these people brand as "over spending"...They just dont realise that they are denying that pleasure to that person, while on the other hand themselves taking pleasure out of drinking!..... The debate continues.....and will continue...

Saturday, February 11, 2006


"Its your responsibility to ...... "he he he ... "Who gave you this responsibility ???"
This the first reaction that i get many times when i try to evoke our social and moral responsibilities . Responsibilities are something that cannot be just thrust upon you. It shall bear no result. Responsibilities will have to be taken up. When there is some team work or some other type of work going on, you should be able to identify your potential and come forward and accept responsibility to complete that portion of the job. The more responsible a person is, the more respect he earns. Leave aside those "jobs" which are taken up just to earn soemthing.. like money, respect, favour etc. ; there is a big resposibility to contribute towards making this society more enriched, more skillful, more understanding and a better place to live in. If you can't contribute to this society then you have no right to complain against it. Try to give back at least what you have learnt. Knowledge is something that can easily be distributed. The more the knowledge spreads, the more benefitted you are from it, directly and indirectly. So its your responsibility to spread this knowledge. Its not that you are boasting your skills, its that you seriously want other people to attain that same standard that you have acheived and reap the benefits of the same. Make people understand this. Don't force it upon others. In this free and democratic world, we have to take up additional responsibilities beacause we are our own GUIDES. We have to lead ourselves to a better tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Creations Continued .......

So here goes another of my brochure cover designs. I never realised this, but after my training, i have developed very rich visual taste .... to appreciate and differenciate between what looks good and what does not...
Everybody in this world loves colors.... colours are the flavour of life.. yet they don't have the courage to come out in the open and appreciate. A very wrong concept has been developed by these people , who feel that people will subdue their "technical abilities" and not consider their analytical skills, just because they have praised something that is very abstract. The world is not at all discrete. Nature is abstract, continuous and free flowing. Nobody can bring in two physical matters having the same number of neutrons, protons and electrons. Neither can one match one electron with the other, because they are all probabilistic functions !! So don't think twice before appreciating what you like. Let's be honest with ourselves and believe in what you say.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Anti-Booze Brigade

I don't wish to offend anybody by this analysis ! There is nothing as good or bad in this world. Its your perspective, how you see it. I shall not take any names in this analysis.

What is a brigade ? Its a small unit in the army in which all members have a common goal. Then where does the anti-booze brigade come into the picture ?
In today's context, the anti-booze brigade has nearly been wiped off. Today's youth think of booze as a quick and easy way to entertain themselves. Something that shall 'numb' their senses and make them feel like some celestial creatures !! I am one of those few remaining who is ready to take up arms to fight for this cause. How and why did i develop such radical opinions about people who booze?

Well.. its not a sudden development. I have heard and seen much. Before joining college, i had heard much from my parents about the ill effects of boozing. At that time , i had thought that it was just a preachy phase, which shall soon pass and then i shall get all the freedom to do whatever i like. When i entered college, i saw the world fast changing around me. Young guys,left to themselves, took to booze and stuff !! When asked.. they tried to defend it hard saying that they are quite 'educated' and they have take to it by 'choice' and not by lack of awareness.
Just a few facts about this booze...
Booze has been in existence as long as man existed.... Citing just two religions.. Hinduism prohibits the use of alcohol... but booze is an essential item in many religious ceremonies...
Islam prohibits the intake of alcohol.. and there are strict laws against the consumption of alcohol in many islamic countries...
What both these religion tries to say is that you should not take anything that makes you loose control over yourself. That makes you loose your basic senses. You may resort to many 'unlawful' or 'criminal' activities.
You may ask why i am stating these othrodox facts... I have analysed these facts and felt that these are very very true.
One does loose control of himself !! Then how do these people defend it ?
They say " You haven't had booze ! How will you understand , how it feels? ". What the hell do u mean by this? Why is it that you have to loose control of yourself to enjoy ? You should be able to enjoy in your current state, whoever and whatever you are !! You have to have that courage in you to face anything and evrything by yourself and not take the help of any third party or product.
And more than loosing control of oneself, one thinks that he is "out" , which he feels has given him license to whatever he likes !! This is where you start to err, knowing fully well what you are doing, yet thinking that people are thinking he is "out" and won't mind what he is doing !!
On the economic front, booze is a big big setback !! It makes you think that the only thing valuable in this world is booze !! You are willing to spend even a 1000 bucks on booze, while on the other hand you start quarelling with somebody who has spent 10 bucks on some other front like food or stationery !! Even giving away a rupee or two to a beggar may seem unjustified to them !!
One should understand that one has a social and moral resposibility !! You can defend it by saying "what has community done to me to help me in earning what i am doing now ? So why should i give it away ?" .. Well you can't judge everything by your gain and loss. You are linked to evryone in the community in some way or the other. You have to have a big heart !! You should be able to find happiness in other's happiness, but not when that happiness has been gained by some odd means !! Thats what should be one of the objectives of life !!
On the health front.. Booze can be catastrophic !!.. It eats you up from within. Even if you are not a regular boozer, there is a gradual degradation in the neurons in your system.
If you are taking a limited amount of booze, its fine. But after having that much, your thought process changes and pegs you to have more so that you can be "out". The you start vomiting and i know the consequences !! It is not only detrimental to you, but also a very big pain in the arse to all those beside you !! You are very dear to the person beside you, yet your activity is such a big aversion !!
I can go on.. i have seen and heard much and these have hardened me more than ever!! If someone thinks that booze is a very good way of socializing, then i shall not even think twice before withdrawing myself from that society.
The challenge lies in finding like minded people. Who appreciates your views and holds you in high esteem. People with whom you are comfortable in this front. Its no use trying to change this world. And i can't change myself and get into the system which has much more disadvantages than advantages. The problem is that very few people are left who still have this 'othrodox' mindset as me and are as 'backward' as me !! And i am happy that these types of people exist !! I just cant stop laughing at the fact that having booze or approve of it removes the 'othrodox' tag from you !! ha ha ha ha ha....
I am determined to find such like minded people! The rest can go to hell. I have this major problem that i start "expecting" things from people. And when they don't meet my expectation, i get upset. I shall have to change this attitude and care less about this world !!
Never have i wanted to harm anyone!! My advices may seem to be a big "bug" now... but those people will understand me someday... and respect my sentiments !!